Specimen no.

Touhou 6 release date
Thinking and not doing
Role model:
Francis E. Dec Esq.
Most prized possession:
2 dollar bill
Secret talent:
It wouldn't be a secret if I told you!
Windows 95 OEM key:
Hogwarts house:
Favorite food(s):
Oat meal, nachos, snow
Favorite drink(s):
Royal Jamaican and water
Favorite movie:
Plan 9 from Outer Space
Favorite book(s):
The War of the Worlds and The Martian Chronicles
Favorite vidya:
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2 version because it has multiplayer and Guy Savage)
Favorite song:
Estradasphere - Hunger Strike
Where I'm at outside of this website
Special thanks & shoutouts
- SymbOS for the website's color palette
- INT 10h for the IBM bitmap fonts
- Wired Sound for introducing me to Neocities
- Neocities for hosting my website
- Jankenpopp for making me good at CSS
- Tom from Myspace
- The Mario Brothers
- Mozilla for making Firefox
- My mom
- FFmpeg and Gimp for being really good image editors
- RSS, curl, wget, Python, mpv, and yt-dlp for reasons
- /wg/ anon for that tiling background that I put on every page
- Braum's
- Microsoft for the Windows 98 icons
- id Software for making Doom
- Stainless Games for making Carmageddon
- Konami for making metal gear pinball machines
- The Pizza Kids
- The Wayback Machine
- Not the magic skeleton guy
- Imminent Starvation and Sonic Mayhem for the MP3s I've used on here
- Dreamstime and Shutterstock for the stock photo people on index.html